2010 Sherwood & Carrington Good Friday Walk of Witness

As you can see, members of the United Reformed Church joined others from St Martin's CofE, Sherwood Methodist Church and St John's CofE for the annual Good Friday Walk of Witness. Despite the poor weather and the cold, over forty gathered for the walk.

The walk consisted of several 'stations' each consisting of sentences, a reading from the gospel story and prayers.

We began inside St Martin'sinside St Martins,
and we held 'stations' . . . .

outside St Martin'soutside St Martin's,

in the Coop car parkCo-op Car Park,

inside the URCinside the URC,

Crossing Mansfield Roadin the URC car park,

(OK, so the photo is not in the URC Car Park, but on the way down Mansfield Road. I was involved in the liturgy at the URC
and my lovely assistant had turned into a Taxi Driver!)

by the Libraryon the street near Sherwood Library,

outside the Methodist churchoutside the Methodist church

in the grounds of St John'sand in the grounds of St John's.

inside St John'sThe final station was in St John's,
and was followed by a welcome cuppa!